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【 [106美國直購] 2017美國暢銷軟體 Reading Comprehension, Grade 4 (Skill Builders) 】

Skill Builders are great tools for keeping children current during the school year or preparing them for the next grade level. A variety of fun and challenging activities provides students with practice and helps introduce basic skills to new learners. This full-color workbook contains appropriate passages and exercises based on national standards for fourth grade to help ensure that children master reading comprehension skills before progressing. Skill Builders combines entertaining and interactive activities with eye-catching graphics to make learning and reviewing fun and effective. The compact 6' x 9' size makes this book perfect for school, at home, or on the go. It features 80 perforated, reproducible pages and an answer key.
優惠專區From the Back Cover
Skill Builders: Reading Comprehension for grade 4 helps children improve their reading comprehension skills through focused practice. With more than 70 pages of activities, Reading Comprehension includes engaging selections to entice reluctant readers and activities designed to target vocabulary, inference, and main idea. The book’s colorful, inviting format, easy-to-follow directions, and clear explanations help build children’s confidence as readers and make reading more accessible and enjoyable.
The Skill Builders series promotes the development of essential, grade-specific skills. Each book provides focused practice and includes examples and explanations of new skills. Activities follow a natural skill progression and align with state and national standards. By building upon already learned material, each book in the Skill Builders series motivates children while reinforcing the concepts needed for academic success
Age Range: 9 and up
搶購Series: Skill Builders
Paperback: 80 pages
Publisher: Carson-Dellosa Publishing (January 3, 2011)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1936023326
ISBN-13: 978-1936023325
Product Dimensions: 6 x 0.2 x 9 inches
Shipping Weight: 3.2 ounces

[106美國直購] 2017美國暢銷軟體 Reading Comprehension, Grade 4 (Skill Builders) 快下單, [106美國直購] 2017美國暢銷軟體 Reading Comprehension, Grade 4 (Skill Builders) XD, [106美國直購] 2017美國暢銷軟體 Reading Comprehension, Grade 4 (Skill Builders) 可選擇, [106美國直購] 2017美國暢銷軟體 Reading Comprehension, Grade 4 (Skill Builders) 限時優惠
自從到貨付款灰狼在2015年以狀元籤選進Karl-Anthony Towns之後,陣中另一名狀元郎Andrew Wiggins的光芒便被掩蓋不少,但25日Wiggins用表現證明自己在關鍵時刻絕對是能被球隊倚靠的進攻終結者。
總計Wiggins攻下全場最高31分,絕殺得手讓防守他的太陽前鋒P.J. Tucker是跪到在地失望不已,這也是灰狼自2012年後首度以絕殺的方式贏得比賽。
Towns為灰狼貢獻18分10籃板,歸隊的Ricky Rubio也有14分10助攻的雙十成績進帳。
太陽以Tyson Chandler拿下22分17籃板表現最佳,總教練Earl Watson則認為球隊對於Wiggins的防守已相當完美:「那球他(Wiggins)展現了不可思議的運動天分和專注力,通常一個人失去節奏時投籃都不會有好結果,但他在快跌倒的狀況下還能出手,而且投進了。」
▲Andrew Wiggins絕殺得手率灰狼擊敗太陽。(影片取自YouTube連結)
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